Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Grape Diet - Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight

Paleo Diet:

The grape diet is a safe, natural way to lose between 5-10 pounds in 5 or 6 days.

The Grape Diet - Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight

This is not just another of those fad diets that keep cropping up, it's about the grape diet which is a proven and exceptional way of losing weight quickly and getting healthy. You may already be familiar with this method of losing weight because it has been around for quite some time now.

Basil Shackleton wrote about The Grape Cure after suffering from kidney failure. In pain for the best part of 40 years, he discovered that simply by eating nothing but grapes, his deteriorating kidney was restored.

So where does the weight loss come in?

Well, really it was a side effect of his "grape treatment." Skackleton wrote that he ate nothing but grapes for three weeks, and never felt better in his life. He proclaimed that if you eat only grapes for five days, you will lose at least 5lbs.

The world got to know of the amazing health benefits of grapes by Johanna Brandt, who publicised The Grape Cure in 1926 in the United States, after spending some time in South Africa. Her publication highlighted the nutritional and healing qualities of grapes, which She used to treat her own cancer.

Since then the grape diet has been used in many countries around the world, not only as a natural way to lose weight fast, but for detoxing the body as well. The success of the grape cure diet is mainly due to the grape skins and seeds.

The skins contain Resveratrol, a natural aid for weight loss, and the grape seed extract contains nutrients that help clean the blood and kidneys, fight cancer, arthritis, and are good for the heart. Modern science supports these claims, and people who have tried the grape diet reported weight loss, feeling better, having more energy, and needing less sleep.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

USN Diet Plan

Paleo Diet:

The complete name of USN diet plan is Ultimate Sports Nutrition. This diet plan is completely supported by Ultimate Sports Nutrition. It is a South African company. Under this diet plan the company has produced dietary but the nutritional supplements so that the people can achieve the proper body which is able to score full marks for fitness. These supplements help the people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These supplements are produced only after the proper and detailed research done on them under the inspection of the highly educated doctors.

USN Diet Plan

The nutritional supplements of the USN diet plan are made with the help of the ingredients such as Phaedra cut XT, pure protein IGF1, CLA capsules, and diet fuel. A detailed USN diet plan, in written is provided to the people who wish to start eating these supplements. This particular brand is easily available in the market for the people who wish to enjoy the true benefits of the product. These supplements are specially made for the people in maintaining their wellness and at the same time giving importance to their weight loss, muscle gain and endurance.

The features of USN diet plan supplements are: -

1. The main feature of the product is that it has different weight loss plans and supplements for both men and women.

2. Secondly, it helps the people to reach to their goals of losing weight in very less time compared to the traditional diet plans available in the market.

3. It gives the flexibility of the completely toned and well maintained body, along with providing the knowledge of the fundamentals of the nutrition's to the people.

4. By consuming these dietary supplements you will not have to indulge yourself in tough and heavy exercises, which is found very difficult by maximum of the people. But will have to follow a small portion of exercise regime which is asked you to follow in your diet.

5. In other words USN diet plan can also be called as a toning and muscle building program.

The main advantage of this brand is that this product is endorsed by many big celebrities and well-known athletes. This brand has the capabilities to easily convince the people who wish to have a healthy and fit lifestyle. The company provides the detailed information of their products with the complete training programs and diet strategies. This helps the people to increase their knowledge about the nutrition's which are important for them to maintain a fit and healthy body. People will have to follow the exercise schedule which is written in the plan otherwise it will be difficult to attain true success for the people to reach their goals.

It is studied that there are few of the disadvantages involved in this process. The biggest disadvantage which if found is that it requires a change in the lifestyle which is difficult for maximum of the people.

Hence, it can be concluded that the USN weight loss plan is the mixture of the dietary supplements and vast change of the life style.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lose Weight With a Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet:

It's no secret that American waistlines continue to expand, despite regular headlines about the dire health consequences of excess body fat. We eat too much sugar, refined carbohydrates, junk food, fast food and hydrogenated trans fats. Compare our modern diet to that of our evolutionary ancestors and you'll quickly see why we're putting our lives in peril every time we eat.

Lose Weight With a Paleo Diet

Cave Men Set Our Dietary Genes in Stone

The food we eat every day sends powerful chemical messages throughout our body which directly influence our genes. This happens with every meal, as we switch our genes either toward health or disease with every bite of food. We were never intended to eat massive quantities of processed foods laced with sugar, salt and fat that many people consume throughout the day.

Like it or not, we are a product of evolution and our genes are switched toward health and natural weight loss when we eat a diet similar to our Paleolithic brethren. Information reported in the Chicago Tribune reveals the importance of eating closer to the way nature intended to significantly reduce the risk of disease and drop the excess weight which packs on as a consequence of our poor culinary habits.

It's important to understand the reasons behind the obesity epidemic which keep us from losing weight. Once we understand the powerful genetic influence our diet exerts over fat storage and mobilization in our body, we can make simple dietary changes to achieve our healthy weight loss goal.

Reason 1 - Too Much Sugar and Fructose

As the genes we carry today were being coded thousands of generations ago, sugar was virtually nonexistent, and fructose from fruit was a rare treat which bore little resemblance to the highly cultivated sweet fruit we buy on store shelves today. From a metabolic perspective, our body has difficulty processing the great amounts of sugar we consume, and most is converted into triglycerides (blood fat) and then stored as fat.

Research demonstrates that fructose, and especially high fructose corn syrup used in so many sweetened beverages, has an even more disruptive effect on fat metabolism. Reading nutritional labels is the best way to avoid added sugar. Cut out desserts, sugary soft drinks and sweet snacks, and be mindful of condiments like ketchup which are loaded with sugar.

Reason 2 - Refined Carbohydrates and Wheat

In between meal snacks and junk food can account for up to 40% of our daily calories, and these are typically high calorie foods with no nutritional value. Chips, fries and breads are immediately broken down by our efficient digestive system into glucose which hits our blood stream hard, and ultimately leads to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and diabetes. Wheat has only been in our food supply for the last 5,000 years, and genetically we haven't yet evolved to eat wheat based foods.

Wheat is foreign to the body, and causes our immune system to spring into action every time we dine on breads or pasta, resulting in systemic inflammation which leads to heart disease and certain forms of cancer. Replace wheat with fresh vegetables, nuts and healthy monounsaturated fats which promote health and natural weight loss.

Reason 3 - Hydrogenated and Trans Fats

Hydrogenated and trans fats are artificially produced substances designed to boost the shelf life of many foods and appeal to our natural taste for fat. Fat is essential to our health, and one of the biggest mistakes many people make is trying to eliminate it from their diet. Our cells use fat to construct membranes which allow nutrients and oxygen to pass freely. Fake fats don't have the same properties, and encourage disease and weight gain.

Avoid synthesized fats by reading all ingredient labels carefully, and don't fry anything, as this cooking method produces trans fats from overheated oil. Use healthy fats from extra virgin olive oil and flax seed sources, adding them onto your food after cooking to preserve their natural qualities.

Following our evolutionary counterparts may provide an important insight into how we have evolved to eat, and why our present day diet is largely responsible for our declining health and excess weight gain. Our food has a significant impact on our genes, and by cutting unhealthy dietary options we can regain control of our health destiny and lose weight as a natural consequence.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Best Way to Lose 10 Pounds Fast - A Quick Guide For Quick Success

Paleo Diet:

Want to learn the best way to lose 10 pounds fast? This article is designed to be a quick guide to quick weight loss success. Below you'll find 3 of the absolute best tips for boosting your metabolism, burning fat, and losing pounds quickly. After reading this article you should be able to lose about 10 lbs within the next couple of weeks...

The Best Way to Lose 10 Pounds Fast - A Quick Guide For Quick Success

3 of the Best Tips for Losing Pounds Fast

1. Focus like a laser beam.

The more you focus your thoughts and energy on losing fat the faster you'll do it. Start by writing out a simple goal statement and reading it several times a day. Spend a few minutes each day "visualizing" yourself 10 pounds lighter and looking/feeling great. Basically do whatever it takes to stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize. Trust me, this stuff works, so be sure to give it a try!

2. Cut all processed foods from your diet.

For the next couple of weeks, cut all the processed foods out of your diet. That includes grains products likes breads and pastas. Also cut out "white" starches like rice and potatoes. Eat mainly natural "paleo" foods: lean proteins, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils like olive oil. This kind of natural, healthy diet will help you lose several pounds very quickly.

3. Start doing interval-based exercise every other day.

Do some form of interval exercise every other day. Intervals not only burn a lot of calories, they also speed up the metabolism and cause your body to pump out powerful fat-burning/muscle-boosting hormones. Be sure to do both cardio (e.g. "HIIT") as well as full-body strength training (such as a medium-weight circuit workout).

Want to learn more of the best ways to lose 10 pounds fast? Then be sure to visit the link below...

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Paleo Diet Information

Paleo Diet:

The dietary needs of humankind were forged into our genes millions of years in the past, long before many of the foods that pollute our modern tables were first eaten by people, and the Paleo diet aims at boosting your health by returning you to the types of nourishment your ancestors ate for far longer than they have eaten grains and dairy products. The cavemen had no wheat, no domestic cattle, and no sugar, so all these foods are actually harmful to the human system.

Paleo Diet Information

The Paleo diet is based on a recognition that many of today's ills are caused by the unnatural diet that we eat every day and that is subtly poisoning our metabolisms. Food produced by farming has appeared only very recently in humankind's history, genetically speaking, and although we can eat such food, we are poorly adapted to handling its chemical constituents.

Just consider how much obesity, tooth decay, metabolic illness such as diabetes or allergic reactions, and other food-related trouble there is in the world today, and it becomes clear that many modern foods are much more trouble than they are worth. Eliminating these hazardous foods from your diet and substituting the varieties that your body is actually adapted to eating lies at the heart of the Paleo diet.

Modern humans are really just cavemen who are eating the horribly inadequate foods thrust upon them by the so-called agricultural revolution. Freeing your diet from these harmful types of food and focusing instead on the food types that our bodies are built to handle restores much of the control over your health and weight that was lost to today's dietary products.

Think about foods carefully and whether or not they would have been available to cavemen before you set tooth to anything. Grains were only eaten following the establishment of farms ten thousand years ago or less. They are something that should be completely stricken from the lists of food that make up your diet when you are following the Paleo diet's path to better health and better nutrition.

Since animals had not yet been domesticated, there was no butter, cheese, or milk, which explains modern man's frequent lactose intolerance and illustrates why these products should be wholly shunned as well. Sugar is even worse than most of these foods - only very recently planted to titillate the over-refined palates of modern humans, in place of the more healthful sweets provided by honey, which could be collected from nests of wild bees. Use this substance in moderation as part of a Paleo diet, and remember that it should not be given to children under the age of ten because of small quantities of botulism spores present in all honey.

Fruits, on the other hand, are something that cavemen could acquire, picking fruits from the branches of trees. The many health and nutritional benefits of fruits and fruit juice illustrate how well our caveman metabolisms are adapted to eating it. Eggs were found in nests and eaten, though not in large amounts, since the unnatural arrangement of chicken farms were unknown. Eat half a dozen of these at most per week, though you can eat the whole egg, both white and yolk.

Meat and nuts are the keystones of the Paleo diet. Lean meats of all kinds, and organ meats as well, should be eaten as a mainstay of your food. Their high protein content will help both to boost your energy and to slim you naturally. Nuts provide plenty of protein and calories without harmful fats, and can be eaten in considerable quantities too, though they are a bit more fattening than meat.

Root vegetables, which echo the nourishing roots foraged by our caveman ancestors, can form part of your Paleo diet, too. They should not be allowed to dominate, but they can be used to supplement meat, nuts, and fruits. By eschewing all of the food products made with grains, which includes all baked goods, and all sugar products, you will be well on your way to the rugged health enjoyed by our caveman ancestors - the restorative promise of a life free from modern metabolic afflictions held out by the Paleo diet.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Paleo Diet:

I've struggled with my weight since I was about 14 years old. At 14, I was 5 feet 7 inches tall (the height I am now) and when I weighed in at the varsity sports physical (held in the library in front of everyone), I was 150 lbs. I've never been a skinny waif, but I was never considered "fat" either. I was athletic and muscular and well, big-boned! Nevertheless, the shock on the athletic director's face when she saw how much I weighed was enough to make me cry!

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Since then, I've dieted and exercised and over-dieted and over-exercised. I've had seven babies and been pregnant with two others (for a brief shining moment), and so have had the hormonal and weight changes that go along with that. I've never been extremely happy with my body, but I've never been so unhappy either that I'm willing to starve or have some kind of eating disorder.

I've recently lost two pants sizes. I have no idea how much weight I've lost because I don't own a scale. But I definitely needed to lose some, because I was wearing a pants size that I've never had to wear before! Rather than starve myself and sign up for a gym (I hate to spend money on stuff like that), I decided to take a more God-given approach.

First, I really hate to exercise. I don't mean that I like to sit around all day, but I like my exercise to have a purpose. When we lived in Vermont, I used to stack wood and carry wood into the house and haul water down to animals. I lived on the side of the hill, so even getting to the mailbox was exercise. I live in the city now and still have a large garden that needs hoeing and weeding, but the other activity simply isn't there. So I had to adjust.

Since I'm still not going to join a gym and I still hate taking a walk just for the point of taking a walk, I've tried to add activity and exercise to everything (well, not everything) I do. Since we live in the middle of a wonderful downtown area, we walk everywhere. I love to walk with a purpose. We walk to Jack's soccer games. We walk to one of the three playgrounds near us. We walk to the pool. We walk along the trail to the bike shop, the boat launch or the ice cream shop (where I very patiently only eat the last couple of bites of Kiara or Seamus' ice cream and forego a treat for myself!).

I've also started instituting a little exercise routine into more boring parts of my day. I still dry my hair with a blow dryer. No, it's not very frugal or green. I know that. But I'm growing it out and until it grows out, I have to dry it or I'm frizz central. Which I just hate. So there. You caught me! But while I'm drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I raise up and down on my toes 30 times. Sounds silly, I know. But I haven't had a defined calf muscle in probably ten years and after doing this for two months, I do. I also do 20 leg lifts on both sides while I'm blow drying. Silly? Sure. But something has to account for those pant size drops because I still eat ice cream before bed two or three times a week!

If I'm feeling really energetic, I'll lay down and do a bunch of stomach crunches and weight lift with some 8 lb weights that came with our house for about 10 minutes. I probably do this 3-4 times a week. And while I'm waiting for the coffee to brew in the morning, if Seamus isn't too grouchy, I'll do 20-30 deep squats right there in the kitchen. It's usually about 5 am so no one else sees me.

I try to do these things in little spurts because the idea of "working out" for 30 or 60 minutes at a time not only sounds mind-numbingly boring to me, but is virtually impossible because someone is always needing something!

I've also changed the way I look at food. I was always a pleasure and comfort eater. Now I try and look at things in a more centered way. I figure that God and Mother Nature came up with a plan for what humans should eat and they provided us with it - as well as the tools and knowledge to grow more. If it doesn't grow in the ground or doesn't eat what grows in the ground, I try not to eat it. By looking at our food as what it is, simple fuel, and not as a reward, punishment, comfort or anything else, I have found that I eat a lot less and eat much more of the things that are good for me.

I eat much less refined sugar now than I used to. I used to not be able to pass by a plate of cookies or brownies and now I have no trouble. By simple changing my perception of food and being happy with what is provided, I find that I have fewer cravings and fewer "needs" for what really are "bad" foods.

I also found that my nature is to not be wasteful. I was hollered at forever as a child to "clear my plate" and "eat all I take." What I started doing as a grown-up was eating everything my kids left on their plates too, so it wouldn't go to waste! Ugh! They were perfectly healthy, eating what they needed, and here was their vacuum cleaner mom, still trying to please her parents with perfect plates. Once I realized just how many crusts of PB&J I was eating, I realized that it's OK to be a little wasteful sometimes.

Now, I am not perfect! I do not eat salad three times a day! But I've cut out all refined flour from our diets except for pasta once a week and I've tried to eliminate refined sugar from everything I eat and drink. I only drink coffee and water during the day - no more soda (especially diet soda which I'm convinced makes you fatter) and I have a glass of wine or two with my hubby on a date night once a month or on a weekend. I do put lemon juice in my water occasionally, just for something different.

Why do I call this a God-Given diet? Because I believe God has given us all the tools we need to be healthy and the weight we need to be. We just have to embrace real food and take our exercise opportunities when we can, as often as we can.

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living" - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

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Friday, June 22, 2012

What is a Zero Carb Diet and Should You Be on It?

Paleo Diet:

There is a trend going on among the diverse Paleo community and that is the zero carb diet. Okay we know that you know about the Paleo way of life and how it helps to retain great long term health with minimum effort as nature has intended. However lets look at what this zero carb diet is all about.

What is a Zero Carb Diet and Should You Be on It?

So first off there may be some people here that are confused on how the zero carb diet is anything to do with the Paleo way of life. We know that on the Paleo diet we only consume carbs that are 100% natural such as those found in fruits and vegetables but people on the zero carb diet don't eat any or very little carbs. While this is okay for some, its very impractical for most people.

People on the zero carb diet plan are those that eat large quantities of meat, fat and offal (stomach contents of the animals), okay if you are able to eat large quantities of these things without problems then thats fine but most people would find it very impractical and highly boring after a little while to be consuming the same things over and over again. However if you are looking to have some spice in your life in terms of diet then I am sure that most people would not find this an ideal way of life. Also note that if perfect balance in a zero carb diet is not achieved then it can be highly dangerous!

Here are some reasons as to why a person on the Paleo way of life would not want to go on a strict zero carb diet.

Considering the fact that Paleo diet follows the diet that our ancestors used to follow and one that nature has intended for us to eat, full of different vibrant vegetables and meat. Its then makes little sense to go against that and completely rid our diet of the natural carbs that you find in fruits and vegetables. Our ancestors would most likely eat anything and everything that was edible and to go against that is not in the best interest of our health. Our ancestors may not have had the convenient multi coloured salads that we enjoy today but they certainly didn't deprive themselves of edible vegetation.

People who are on the zero carb diet often state the fact that there are communities around the world who are on similar diets and they are thriving. Communities such as the Inuits, the fact that they consume just meat and no plant life, suggests that we as humans should be following a similar diet. But the fact is that these people are not avoiding plant life because they want to, but its just not available. They are an exception and not the rule. Also note that these communities consume everything in the animal, meal, stomach and brain to get a full rich dense amount of nutrients. If you can manage that then fine its okay but its highly unlikely in today's modern society that you will be able to find such food.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Whole Food Vitamins - A Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Paleo Diet:

The theory behind the so-called Paleolithic Diet (Paleo Diet, for short) suggests that whole food vitamins obtained from minimally refined and processed whole foods, like vegetables, fruit, nuts and lean meats, should be optimally suited for human biology, and thus optimal health.

Whole Food Vitamins - A Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

The Paleo Diet (or caveman diet) is based on the kinds of foods that our human ancestors ate for millions of years, long before agriculture and fast food restaurants came to be. For most of the time humans have been on the planet, they had to collect (hunt and gather) their food from whatever was around them in nature. There was no McDonald's conveniently located every two or three miles on the Serengeti.

The result of humans evolving in harmony with the natural foods available is that human biology and genetics are optimized for such a diet. This is why fruits and vegetables are universally considered to be healthy foods by almost everyone, and refined sugar (which was rare during hunter-gatherer times, in the form of seasonal honey) causes obesity, cavities, and even diabetes.

You don't need a PhD in nutrition to come to the common sense conclusion that if humans evolved on a whole food diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and lean meat, then such a diet ought to be optimally compatible with our biochemistry and genetics.

After all, humans are still around, so we must have done something right as a species.

It is not easy to eat a whole food diet in this day and age. Refined and processed foods are everywhere and many people have turned to nutritional supplements to get the important vitamins they may not be getting in the diet.

The "paleo diet" concept serves as a comparative guide to nutritional supplements, for those people who take them. Just as foods can be devitalized by refining and processing, so can vitamin supplements.

If you are eating a whole food diet, rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts, and lean meat, and low in calories, you probably don't need to supplement with vitamins at all. But if you feel you would like to supplement your diet, seek out whole food vitamins. Simply use the Paleo Diet as a comparative guide to nutritional supplements.

Look at labels and determine if the nutritional supplements contain whole food vitamins vs. refined or synthetic isolates. Consider that even though whole food vitamins may contain less of any single "active ingredient," they also contain traces of many micronutrients your body needs that would be absent in the purified isolated vitamin concentrate.

For example, even though an apple contains a lot of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), it has been shown that the antioxidant capacity of an apple is far greater than that of the ascorbic acid it contains. In other words, other whole food vitamins in the apple contribute to its antioxidant power.

It has been shown that refined and isolated beta-carotene is not as beneficial as beta-carotene obtained from eating carrots, and may actually be harmful.

Raw fish oil vitamins, such as salmon fish oil or cod liver oil, are good examples of whole food vitamins. Fish oil contains a number of important nutrients besides the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA on which they are marketed. Cod liver oil is one of the only sources of natural vitamin D, an essential nutrient for bone health and many biological functions in the human body.

This isn't to suggest that whole food vitamins can prevent or cure any disease (although there's good evidence they do). Genetic and environmental factors all play a role in health outcomes and disease. But all else held constant, whole food vitamins obtained from a natural whole food diet will provide the optimal nutrition for the human body, as it was designed by nature.

Isn't that a lot easier to live by than all the confusing nutrition science that is out there? Remember, a lot of the nutrition science being conducted is funded by the manufacturers of refined and processed (junk) food. Is it any wonder that the research is so contradictory and confusing?

Lastly, a note on cereal grains. Human biology isn't adapted for eating grains. Hunter-gatherers didn't eat them and it was only with agricultural cultivation that sufficient quantities of cereal grains could be produced by humans. Even so, grains require a lot of processing (grinding and cooking) to be digestible in humans. Just as with whole food vitamins, whole grains are better than refined grains, but grains should always be consumed sparingly and should only make up a small percentage of the human diet.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Paleo Diet - How to Lose Weight Eating Like a Caveman

Paleo Diet:

Throughout the evolution of man, our diet has changed as we encountered new foods and migrated to new areas. However, not all changes are good. In recent years we've changed our diet to be heavy in grains, sugar and processed foods. Paleo diet proponents suggest that we've deviated from the diet we were eating. Proof of our deviation shows up in ill health, food allergies ans intolerances, and the numerous health conditions that plague many people today. Perhaps the most notable proof of all is the rising rate of obese and overweight individuals.

The Paleo Diet - How to Lose Weight Eating Like a Caveman

One of the most significant changes in our diet occurred around 10,000 years ago. It was around this time that we began transitioning from a hunter-gatherer diet, to one that reflected our movement into agriculture. Agriculture brought a variety of grains and legumes, as well as dairy products. Today, these foods are widely consumed, and are even staple foods for many.

Before our switch to agriculture, we lived on a hunter-gatherer diet for around 2.5 million years. For 2.5 million years we foraged and hunted for a variety of wild plants and animals. Our diets consisted of animals, nuts, seeds and plants. It's only been in the last 10,000 years that we have begun to eat grains, legumes, and dairy. Paleo diet experts argue that 10,000 years hasn't been enough time for our digestive systems to adapt to these foods.

Over the 2.5 million year time period when we ate a hunter-gatherer diet, not only did our bodies adapt to the lifestyle, but our digestive system adapted to the foods we predominately ate. The Paleo solution is to eat foods that our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era.

To eat the Paleolithic way, you must stop eating all grains, dairy, legumes, salt, refined sugar, processed oils and processed foods in general. If it's not something you can catch or pick in the wild, you can't eat it.

The foods that can be eaten include lean meats, plants, nuts, and seeds. For protein, fish and other lean meats can be consumed. Many purists suggest eating grass fed beef, wild game and additive-free meats. Grass fed beef is promoted because grass is the natural food source for cattle, instead of the grains that cows are fattened on today. Nuts and seeds serve as an additional source of protein. Eggs can also be eaten for protein.

A variety of plants can be eaten. Vegetables and fruits provide sources of vitamins and carbohydrates. Other foods that could have been gathered by a hunter-gatherer include mushrooms, and all sorts of herbs and spices. Healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, and unrefined olive oil are allowed.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Information About the Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet:

The genetic foundations of the metabolisms of modern humans were laid down millions of years ago, long before the agricultural revolution caused us to begin eating grains, dairy products such as milk and cheese, or sugar. The Paleo diet - short for "Paleolithic" - aims to return you to the eating habits that your body, and the body of every other human on Earth, is designed for, thus banishing the allergies, metabolic diseases, and tooth decay that our poorly chosen modern foods inflict.

Information About the Paleo Diet

Farming and domestication of animals (other than, perhaps, hunting dogs) has taken place only during the most recent years of humanity's long history, a matter of nine or ten thousand at most, and probably less. Unfortunately, these food products became very common - but the fact is that our physiology is still adapted to pre-agricultural dietary patterns. In effect, many supposedly "wholesome" foods we eat today are actually mildly poisonous to us, or react negatively with our body chemistry.

The Paleo diet returns control over your metabolic health to you by focusing on the food groups that the cavemen ate: lean meats, both mammalian and avian, eggs, fish and shellfish, nuts, fresh fruits, and a range of vegetables, including a few root vegetables (but not potatoes, which many diets make the error of including, though at the time of the cavemen these plants grew wild only in remote areas of the Andes and thus were not adapted to by most people).

By limiting your intake to these foods, you will be eating the nourishment Nature intended us to consume, which is readily metabolized and healthy for us. Lean meats as well as organ meats and even tongue will form the backbone of any good diet that follows this innovative, scientifically grounded program. Half a dozen eggs a week will be a good representation of the eggs occasionally found in nests or raided from seabird rookeries.

Nuts are a great source of healthy Paleolithic protein, with monosaturated fats that feed your body while actually lowering your cholesterol. Nuts contain compounds that probably inhibit breast cancer and a few other cancers from developing, and strengthen the heart, reducing the chance of heart disease. Start off slowly eating nuts because they are very nutritious and calorie rich. As you get deeper into the Paleo diet, however, your metabolic rate will rise and you can eat more and still stay (or get) slim.

Though you can get a good grasp of many foods you should avoid simply by eschewing everything that comes in a box, you should also not eat foods that contain sugar, which includes maple syrup or artificial syrup. All kinds of grain products, from bread to pizza crust to pancakes, should be stricken from your list of acceptable foods. Your menu should likewise eliminate butter, cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, and anything else derived from cows.

The Paleo diet may seem a bit restrictive at first, but the lack of allergies, reduced chance of diabetes, and general feeling of energy and well being that you will experience on it will more than compensate for this. There are many superb recipes you can make for variety and gustatory enjoyment, and with the high protein focus of the diet, you will lose excess weight even without much exercise. Exercise regularly and you will be as lean and hardy as one of your Paleolithic forebears in no time!

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan

Paleo Diet:

Herbal Magic is a Canada based weight loss centre specialized in weight management and herbal supplements. According to Herbal Magic, their clients lost in average 2 to 7 pounds a week. Their program is also said to be able to improve various health issues, including stress, cold flu, arthritis, and digestion. If you are interested in Herbal Magic, you may arrange free and private consultation with the company to determine the appropriate program and herbal supplements based on your health profile.

An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan

The Herbal magic diet meal consists of the following: 2 proteins, 2 starches, 2 fruits, 2 fats, 1 dairy and 3 vegetables. Beside, you have to take their herbal supplements 30 to 60 minutes before each meal. According to Herbal Magic official website, there's no set cost for their weight loss program. You will find out the cost after the consultation. According to reliable source, the joining fee is 00. After that, you pay approximately 0 every month for the herbal supplements and 1 to 1 consultation. In fact, depending on your health profile, you may need to buy more herbal supplements which cost far more than 0.

If you are interested in Herbal Magic, my recommendation is save your money. The reason is rather simple: it is too expensive! The price is simply outrageous. If you want to follow the plan religiously for a period of time, the cost can add up pretty quickly. You should spend the money to get advice from your family doctor instead of the consultants from Herbal Magic. In fact, we are not even sure if these consultants have the proper qualification! Even if they do, you have to be careful as they may earn commission from products that you purchase via them. At such, they may not have your best interest in mind.

Sure many people swear that Herbal Magic helped them to lose weight, but I suspect that it is direct results of low calories intake. In addition, if you examine the meal plan, you will notice that it lacks flexibility. It's not feasible in the long run. What's worse, if you stop the plan, you may stop losing weight or gain back the weight. Besides, I would also like to question the long term safety, potency, side effects and effectiveness of herbal supplements from Herbal Magic. I really wonder: why are their herbal products more expensive than market price?

Sorry to disappoint you, but there's simply no "magic" when come to weight loss. However, don't be discouraged, there are good plans out there to help you shed away the fat.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Popular Diets

Paleo Diet:

Popular diet plans also known as Fad diets are step by step procedures to lose weight and maintain it. There are many diets popularly used all around the world. These popular diets are made keeping in mind different people with various physiques and health conditions that is why they are popular.

Popular Diets

Here are some popular diets.

Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr. Phil

The idea is to manage weight and alter attitude/ behavior with respect to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Inculcation of healthy eating by removing fats, cholesterol, sugars etc from your diet. Use of these ingredients in this popular diet plan may prone you to various discomforts in the long run like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, fluctuating blood pressures etc.

Glycemic Index Diet

This popular diet is inclusive of low carbohydrates. Use the following ingredients only:

o oats, barely, bran for breakfast

o whole grain or stone ground flour or sour dough breads

o fresh vegetables and salads except potatoes

o basmati or doongara rice

Zone Diet

Make zones of your meal. Divide portions like 40% carbohydrates, 30% minerals and 30% protiens. You can make a variation according to your body requirement and change the portions as per need. Records need to be maintained and regularly checked in this popular diet plan.

Atkins Diet Plan

This diet plan enforces the use of protiens and a combination of minerals and vitamins subtracting all the carbohydrates. This popular diet will burn the fats stored and re-establish the body's metabolism. It is proved that carbohydrates need to go out of your diet.

Raw Food Diet

Cooked food is processed and looses some essential enzymes which create a strong immune system. In addition, cooking the food makes it loaded with impurities, calories and fats. Nuts, seeds, ripe fruits, leafy vegetables are recommended in this popular diet plan.

South Beach Diet

First step is to remove carbohydrates and eat only protiens. There should be a reduction of about 8-12 pounds in this detoxification process. The second step should be to include only limited carbs in your diet. This should result in the removal of further 2-4 pounds per week. In the third phase you can eat almost everything but in reasonable quantity. The concept is to start drastically, lose pounds by finishing carbohydrates and inducing only low calories. Later decrease intake in general and revert back to normalcy in this popular diet.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Prepare a stock by boiling cabbage leaves in water, add salt to taste. Be sure not to add any fats or cholesterol. This soup is proved to burn calories and visibly reduces weight.

Sugar Buster

Sugar produces insulin in the body and result in storing fats as a consequence any kind of sugar, even as a by product from starchy complex carbohydrates are not to be consumed in this popular diet plan. This diet is especially suitable for diabetic patients, children, people suffering from hypoglycemia and cardiovascular diseases.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Dukan Diet For Vegetarians - Is a Meat Free Low Carb Diet Possible?

Paleo Diet:

The Dukan diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet in four phases. The first phase of the Dukan diet, the attack phase, consists of protein only. Nuts and beans, typical sources of protein for vegetarians, are not allowed on the Dukan diet. How then can a vegetarian create a diet menu consisting solely of protein only meals?

The Dukan Diet For Vegetarians - Is a Meat Free Low Carb Diet Possible?

A pescetarian, commonly understood as a vegetarian who eats fish, will not have too much trouble meeting the demands of the Dukan diet. They can find enough protein in fish and shellfish. Meals made out of various fillets of fish, smoked salmon, mussels, prawn, crab meat, etc. will provide a plentiful supply of protein and variety. Many fish eating vegetarians (pescetarians) also eat animal products such as eggs and dairy. Smoked salmon and cottage cheese, a meal enjoyed by many meat eaters too, makes a perfect and delicious meal suitable for any phase of the Dukan diet.

However, there are vegetarians (perhaps the majority) that do not permit themselves fish. Vegetarians, after all, do not eat animal flesh and fish are animals! Is is possible for these people to follow the diet as well as their consciences?

Tofu, familiar to most vegetarians, is permitted on the diet. Dr. Dukan, whose book is not aimed at vegetarians, includes tofu in his list of permitted foods. Perhaps, through this diet, many meat eaters who previously saw no reason to add tofu to their diet will consider this food, popular worldwide, as a novel addition to their menus.

Textured vegetable protein (TVP) is not mentioned in the book however, it is a high protein food with some but low carbohydrate. Quorn, a mycoprotein, like TVP is not mentioned in the book. However it is also a high protein food that is low in carbohydrate. This vegetarian food is now available in many different forms and varieties. Some have higher carbohydrate contents than others, so vegetarians will need to shop carefully.

Skimmed milk, low fat cottage cheese, fromage frais, and quark are all mentioned and permitted on the diet. Unlike vegans, vegetarians allow themselves these products as well as eggs (also permitted on the diet). These foods can be used liberally although with some restriction on egg yolks and milk.

The challenge for the vegetarian who wishes to follow the Dukan diet will be to put together a viable meat free menu. While it may not be possible to reduce carbohydrate to the, minimal, levels advised by Dr. Dukan, it should be possible to get close to that ideal.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fatty Liver Diet Do's And Don'ts

Paleo Diet:

In her book, "Fatty Liver Diet Guide", veteran liver nurse, Dorothy Spencer, states, "There is in fact little difference between the regular diet between healthy people and fatty liver patients. The main point is to reduce the fat content and encourage the body to fully utilize the calories for energy so that there will be no excess storage of fat and carbohydrates." She goes on to stress the importance of regulation, balance, and incorporating all food groups through a highly nutritional diet.

Fatty Liver Diet Do's And Don'ts

The best diet plan for reducing a fatty liver will vary from patient to patient. When it comes to fatty liver disease (FLD), there are many factors at play, and the underlying causes of the problem must be identified before proper nutritional advice can be given.

FLD is generally broken down into two types: alcoholic (AFL) and non-alcoholic (NAFLD). Alcoholic fatty liver disease has one primary cause: the excessive consumption of alcohol.

The ethanol found in alcoholic beverages contributes to excessive fat accumulation in the liver because it blocks the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver, and it inhibits the release of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the bloodstream which are responsible for moving fatty acids out of the liver. When more fat moves into the liver than out of it, fat accumulation and storage occurs. AFL can generally be reversed by removing alcohol from the diet.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a more complex condition. NAFLD can be caused by a wide variety of things which include, but are not limited to, a high-fat diet, obesity, type 2 diabetes (diabetes milletus), hyperinsulinemia, and metabolic disorders. Dietary changes and weight loss are the best ways to combat and reverse NAFLD.

Here are some of the do's and don'ts when making changes that incorporate a fatty liver diet plan aimed at reducing excess fat in the liver into your lifestyle.

  • Do eat vitamin and mineral rich foods, particularly those high in B-complex vitamins, folate (folic acid), manganese, selenium, and sulfur
  • Do follow a balanced diet and avoid excessive eating
  • Don't eat high-fat foods, particularly those high in saturated fats
  • Don't consume alcohol and/or high sugar drinks like energy drinks and soda
  • Do exercise regularly to lose weight gradually rather than trying for a "lose it all at once" solution
  • Don't eat large amounts of dark meats or fried foods
  • Do eat lean white meats such as chicken or turkey
  • Do eat vegetables daily, particularly greens and leaves
  • Do eat fruits daily, particular citrus fruits high in vitamin C
  • Do eat complex carbohydrates such as those found in brown rice and whole grains
  • Don't eat simple carbohydrates such as those found in candy and desserts
  • Do eat foods high in fiber

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Eat The Cavemen Way - Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet:

Losing weight has never been an easy task... For anyone! There are so many "magic diet out there", and for us consumers, it can be difficult to differentiate the good stuff from the bad stuff. And regardless of why are you trying to lose weight for, whether your primary goal would be to shed excess body fat or build-up larger volumes of muscular mass and gain definition for summer for instance, there is no doubt that you've already done your research and realized that eating habits are the number one ingredient needed for good and fast results.

Eat The Cavemen Way - Paleo Diet

Atkins, low-carbs, low in fat, high protein, you've probably read them all... But what about the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo What?

The Paleo Diet (or Paleolithic diet program) is an eating plan that tries to mirror the cavemen ways of living and eating back in ancient times, this concept basically attempts to create a diet that these cavemen would have consumed or not.

And there's no or little doubt about it: as time has moved onward, humanity modern tools in addition to newer cooking processes have modified considerably how we eat from how we did in the cavemen ages. And, these people from the paleolithic ear would have definitely needed to search for the foods they were going to eat, unlike today where we just take a simple errand to the food store where we can conveniently order any kind or quantity of cooked and refined foods. So is there a problem? Yes, there is, and several, the biggest problem being that every time these changes that have happened (processing, food in can, salt, dried food, added ingredients with no nutritional value), the nutrition content of our food have been going down. We are eating more and more carbohydrates, such as grains, food that our ancestors would have not been able to eat because it needs to be processed before consumption. On the other hand, we are eating much less green vegetables or fruits, foods that caveman would have had because they can be found nearly everywhere in the nature.

Paleolithic Diet versus Atkins Diet

The Paleo Diet cannot be classified as a very low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins plan considering that it does contain much more fruits and veggies than the Atkins plan, but can be seen as a diet variation that is going to provide numerous health benefits. It will help support a body system that functions well while helping you easily achieve and keep your main body weight goals.

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The Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet:

The paleo diet focuses on consuming foods we as humans evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today.

The Paleo Diet

What Foods Make up The Paleo Diet?
Nuts and Seeds

These foods are available through mother nature with no agricultural or processing needed to be eatable.
But things have changed. Bread became whiter and whiter, lacteous went from raw to pasteurised and sugar began to make its way into almost every modernised food product.

Many foods are restricted on this diet for the reason that that they were not available to our prehistoric ancestors. Included in these foods are all processed foods, sugar, salt, grains, legumes, dairy products, coffee and alcohol. Potatoes are also restricted because the varieties available now are genetically and nutritionally altered. Potatoes are much higher in carbohydrates compared to those available in Stone Age period.

We are living in a society where the rate of illness and disease is on a continuous rise, and nutrition has the ability to take charge of our health, wellness and longevity.

There is a common link towards nutrition and health, and nutrition for treating illness.
Good nutrition, obtainable through the consumption of nutritionally rich foods making up the paleo diet and has and continues to treat and cure many conditions which go un-treated (and sometimes looked at as un-treatable) every day.

The Paleo diet is the oldest and most basic diet and provides us with good health.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Healthy Diets Recipes for Healthy Living

Paleo Diet:

Let's face it - most of us don't live healthy lives. Most people are sleep-deprived, dehydrated, overweight, and eating far too many additives and processed food. It has been several generations since people regularly sat down to eating healthy, additive-free meals, but that can change with you.

Healthy Diets Recipes for Healthy Living

There are healthy diets recipes that can turn your entire life around in a matter of just a few days. All it takes is a little bit of time and a whole lot of commitment to stop eating fast food, to eat only natural food, and to start taking better care of yourself. If you are tired of feeling sluggish and overweight, and you are constantly finding yourself dealing with sicknesses, then it is time for healthy diets recipes.

When you change to any kind of diet, there is a period of adjustment and that is why you need willpower. You might find that after even just a few days that you begin to crave all of those good foods that you used to love. Unfortunately, all of those foods were making you sick, making you tired, and making you fat.

The key to any healthy diets recipes is to use natural and organic food, if possible. You need to avoid any foods that have been processed, contain artificial ingredients, or meats that have been treated with hormones. This may sound like a lot of work, but after you get used to reading ingredient labels, choosing the right foods will be easy. You will also realize how many chemicals you have been eating all this time.

Healthy living is easy enough to do if you are willing to put the time in and stick to it. The rewards are huge, and you will find that you and your entire family can quickly get down to a healthy weight.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

No Calorie Counting, No Portion Control: Welcome to the Paleo Diet Basics

Paleo Diet:

Welcome To the Paleo Diet Basics

No Calorie Counting, No Portion Control: Welcome to the Paleo Diet Basics

Have you been searching for the perfect diet for you? Are you tired of trendy diets that never give you the long-lasting results you need? Are you sick of counting calories and being told to eat portions that are the size of your fist? If you can relate to this, keep reading because I have something different to share with you. I'm talking about the Paleo Diet. It is not a trend or magic pill; it is a way of life that will support you in being in the best health you have ever been in.

The following are some of the benefits to following a Paleo Diet:

- fat loss
- muscle gain
- stronger and healthier bones, teeth, hair and skin
- stronger immune system and
- slowed aging

What Are the Paleo Diet Basics?

The Paleo Diet is a list of dietary recommendations based largely on what our paleolithic ancestors may have eaten about 2.5 million years ago. The foods that were recently introduced with the agricultural revolution are discouraged due their proven negative impacts on our health. This diet is backed by hard science, observations and countless studies. Furthermore, unlike most diets that are focused on specific results such as weight-loss, an increase in energy, or improved athletic performance, the Paleo Diet is about giving the whole body the best nutrition possible so that it functions optimally in all areas.

Guidelines to Following the Paleo Diet Basics

1) Eat a diet that is high in fat, moderate in animal fat, low-moderate in carbohydrates. Eat as much saturated fats as you want! This includes coconut oil, clarified butter, lard and duck fat. Calorie counting or portion control are not encouraged.

2) Eat lots of fresh raw and cooked vegetables. Eat a low-moderate amount of fruit and nuts. Choose seasonal and organically grown produce when possible.

3) Choose grass-fed meat over grain-fed. If you don't have access to grass-fed meat, get meat that is lean because the fat on grain-fed meat can be unhealthy.

4) Eat when you're hungry. It's not a big deal if you miss a meal or two.

5) Don't over exercise. Intense shorter spurts of exercise is a more natural and effective way to stay fit, than hours of cardio at once.

6) Eliminate the following from your diet:

- No wheat or grain
- No beans or legumes
- No dairy (except butter, properly fermented yogurt, raw and properly fermented milk and cheese are fine as well)
- No vegetable oils
- No sugar (other than the sugar found in fruits and veggies)

7) Cutting out these foods may be challenging at first because most of today's fast and convenient modern foods consist of these items. But please know that your body will thank you for it later. These foods are toxic and lead to many diseases that are common today including (but not limited to) diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

8) Lastly, have fun in the sun and get enough sleep.

Those are the Paleo Diet Basics to being on your way to a happier, healthier you! Until next time, eat well.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

What Is the Paleo Diet? Detailed Information About Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet:

A lot of diets that are on the market today will limit your intake of carbohydrates; others will limit your meat and protein consumption. No matter which diet plan you choose, be sure to familiarize yourself with the details of the diet and what research it is based on. One of the most popular diets is the Paleo diet; but what exactly is it? The Paleo diet is a unique way of eating that is very similar to the way our ancestors in the Stone Age lived - relying on the basic food groups that were available to them.

What Is the Paleo Diet? Detailed Information About Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic diet refers to the Stone Age era; often referred to as the "Hunter Gatherer Diet" as well. This diet consists mainly of meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It mimics the way our ancestors had to eat; often with long periods of fasting in-between meals and a moderately active daily routine. There are a few food sources that you would need to avoid, such as dairy products, grains, processed foods and fatty meat products. These items were not available in the Stone Age so we should not be consuming it either. Although it might seem that there are a lot of restrictions when it comes to the Paleo diet, there are still a lot of healthy and good tasting recipes that you can use; serving delicious Paleo meals to your whole family.

The Paleo diet is high in protein; focusing mainly on meat products, seafood, fruits, vegetables and nuts; and it is also very popular with health professionals and athletes. Fruit and vegetables can be eaten freely on this diet; just take care to avoid the starchy veggies like potatoes. Fruit and vegetables are healthy snack options and you can add them to any meal. This is one of the reasons why the Paleo diet is so healthy.

One of the best benefits of the Paleo diet is the additional weight loss that you might experience. The diet is naturally low in carbohydrates and high in protein; it will also gradually increase your metabolism over time. This will allow you to lose weight naturally; up to 15 pounds in the first 6 months. If you add an additional exercise program to your daily routine, your weight loss efforts will increase. The diet is also naturally high in fiber, which is very good for your digestive system.

One of the most common causes of food allergies and digestive problems is bad eating habits; and these usually include dairy and grain products. The Paleo diet is wheat and dairy free; making it a very healthy option for the whole family. The meals are also low in saturated fat and high in fiber. Your energy levels will naturally increase as well.

With so many meal options and all the health benefits associated with it, the Paleo diet is a must for anyone looking to slim down, increase energy and reduce their risk of heart disease and cancers.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

What You Need To Know About The Paleo Diet Plan

Paleo Diet:

The paleo diet eating plan is also known as the caveman diet, or the paleolithic diet. This is a diet that includes such things as animal fats and proteins, vegetables, fruits, some nuts, and seeds. This is a diet said to be the most beneficial to us as a human race as it is the diet we thrived on before so many processed and junky foods came into play. This diet is an easy one to start, and it is also easy to stick with.

What You Need To Know About The Paleo Diet Plan

This is a diet that can help you to lose weight, get fit, and to simply improve your health in a significant manner. When creating a paleo diet eating plan for yourself it is important to understand how much of which food you should consume. Here are the basic guidelines:

Saturated Fats

On the diet you want to eat unlimited amounts of saturated fat. These kinds of fats include coconut oil and butter, avocados, butter, and tallow from beef or lamb. Other good sources of healthy saturated fats include macadamia oil and duck lard. These foods should be included in the diet eating plan on a daily basis, and plenty of them.

Animal Protein

Moderate amounts of animal proteins are also an important part of the diet. Red meat, chicken, and pork are good options but there is more out there to choose from! Consider fish, eggs, liver, kidneys, and even the heart of animals when you are putting together a meal plan for yourself. Make sure that animal protein is included in each meal of the day.


Both frozen and fresh vegetables are an important staple when you are following a paleo eating plan. You should eat high amounts of both cooked and raw vegetables throughout the day, making them snacks when you get hungry between meals. It is alright to include starchy vegetables such as yams and sweet potatoes to the mix as well.

Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds

These are foods that should be included in the diet but in much smaller amounts than the other foods you will consumer throughout the day. When choosing fruits, try and stay away from acidic fruits like oranges and sticking with more nutrient dense fruits instead such as berries and melons. When it comes to nuts and seeds, a small handful of your favorite kind each day should do the trick. Great options include walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Tips and Tricks for Creating a Paleo Diet Eating Plan

Stay away from legumes and beans as well as cereal grains in order to get the best results. If you are trying to lose weight you might want to cut back on the fats until your weight loss goals have been met. But don't cut them out altogether because they are important aspects of the diet. It is important to eliminate sugars (they are no good for you), vegetable oils, and any other refined oils you can find in the market. Make sure to avoid all dairy products too because they are not included in the regimen. What you can do is eat whenever you are hungry! Don't worry about skipping a meal or adding an extra one in.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Burn Fat Quickly - 3 Tips to Burn Body Fat Fast!

Paleo Diet:

Want to learn how to burn fat quickly while toning your muscles and creating a sexier-looking body at the same time? Burning fat is often a difficult, frustrating thing to do. Most people simply don't use smart diet and exercise techniques. They look for the fast and easy "fix" which often isn't much of a solution at all.

Burn Fat Quickly - 3 Tips to Burn Body Fat Fast!

First off, forget about starvation diets, spending hours on the treadmill, and popping handfuls of "fat-burning" diet pills. Those kinds of techniques may help you lose a few pounds quickly, but they won't be from fat loss. You'll just end up with a slower metabolism and much less energy.

The best way to burn fat quickly is to combine 3 of the best weight loss techniques known to man: paleo dieting, interval exercise, and smart supplementation. These techniques are proven to work. Here's a quick outline...

Paleo Dieting: Eat Like a Caveman for Fast Fat Loss

A "paleo" diet -- sometimes called a caveman diet -- is one based around lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Little or no processed foods are consumed on this diet, not even whole-grain products such as bread.

Interval Exercise: The Best Way to Burn Off Body Fat Fast

Doing intervals -- short burst of high-intensity exercise mixed with brief rest periods -- is a great way to burn calories, lose fat, and program your body to speed up its metabolism and lose pounds even when you're sleeping. For best results, you should include some form of interval training in at least 2 workouts a week.

Smart Supplementation: Get Faster, Better Results

The best supplements for burning fat quickly aren't diet pills, appetite suppressants, or energy supplements. They are proven supplements that support the metabolism and allow for faster recovery from tough workouts. The 3 best are: whey protein powder, omega 3 fatty acids (e.g. fish oil), and multivitamins. Whey protein is one of the best forms of protein you can eat. Omega 3's support great healthy, high energy, and fast metabolism. Multivitamins ensure that you're not low on any of the vital nutrients necessary for fast and health weight loss.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Typical Paleo Diet Menu

Paleo Diet:

If you've recently become familiar with the paleo diet then you may be wondering what a typical fellow paleo dieter eats in a day. When you completely change all of your food selections, then you may at first have a hard time coming up with foods to eat.

A Typical Paleo Diet Menu

As you know, the paleo diet does not allow grains, processed vegetable oils, peanuts or processed foods. Grains are such a big part of the standard western diet that it may seem strange at first not to eat them. When you create a paleo diet menu plan, then you need to compose your meals of meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

It is really possible to eat an enormous variety of meals on the paleo diet, and several cookbooks have been written on the subject along with enormous amounts of material online. Here I'm gonna describe a typical paleo diet menu, something that is typical for me to eat in a day.

Breakfast (eggs and vegetables):
- 4 Omega-3 enriched eggs
- 150g Frozen broccoli
- 100g Frozen cauliflower
- 50g Frozen carrots
- 15g Coconut Oil
- Two teaspoons organic vegetable spice

Melt a stuffed teaspoon of coconut oil on a frying pan, add frozen vegetables and let them cook for a minute and thaw. Then add the eggs, and last the vegetable spice. Stir fry until ready.

Lunch (leftover chicken from previous night):
- 3 Chicken thighs
- Mashed sweet potatoes
- A salad with lettuce, bell peppers and cucumbers

Chicken thighs were baked in the oven until ready and crisp, sweet potatoes peeled and boiled until soft, then mixed with butter and mashed.

Afternoon snack:
- A handful of organic almonds
- An apple

Dinner (meat pizza, meatza):
- A pound of ground beef
- Two onions
- Three cloves of garlic
- Three carrots
- Salt
- Organic Pizza Sauce
- Cheese
- Oregano

Onions, carrots and garlic cut. They are mixed with ground beef and pizza sauce, put in a baking dish and salted. Then the dish is covered with the cheese and dried oregano added on top. Bake in an oven until ready and cheese has obtained a brown color.

This was a sample paleo diet menu, but the type of variety that you can find with the paleo diet is incredible. You may be wondering why I listed butter and cheese, since those foods weren't available in the paleolithic era. Most paleo dieters are fine with eating high-fat dairy such as butter and cheese since it adds great variety to the diet and has been proven to have health benefits. Eating salt in moderation is fine too.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kousmine Diet

Paleo Diet:

This diet helps strengthen the immune system and relies on four key points:

Kousmine Diet

1. A healthy and balanced diet.
2. Using food integrators (linoleic acid, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, etc.).
3. Intestinal hygiene.
4. Body balancing acidity.

Diet is rich in cereal fiber, fruit and raw vegetables (to preserve vitamins and mineral salts which they contain), as reduced intake of meat (white meat or fish will be accepted). Order to change food as this method is to reduce free radicals and toxins from the body.

Besides nutrition and lifestyle is important. Recommended for all types of activities to relax both body and mind: cardio exercise, which reactivates tissue massage and circulation, giving up alcohol and smoking, exercise to combat stress, such as yoga. The method kousmine is not a simple diet, but is a vast change of lifestyle, a change which brings with it a significant improvement of health.

What can and can not eat?

According to kousmine method in your diet should prevail vitamins, minerals and calories to be reduced. Thus, you should avoid coffee, chocolate, fried foods, some dairy products, pepper and sausage.

Vegetables and grains you should not miss on any day at dinner, and at least once a week and have to eat lunch and seasonal fruits and vegetables - preferably organic - must be present in your daily menu. White meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, ostrich) is recommended several times a week, like eggs (maximum 4). The same rule applies to fish.

Over all the watchword is: alternation.

Balance between nutrients, eliminating fat and refined foods predisposition to make the kousmine a good diet for the whole family, food is not only going to lose extra pounds, but the following years to improve health without having some food restrictions. Some guidelines such as those referring to the removal of meat and dairy from the diet, to be followed only with the approval of your doctor.

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